What is 3T?
3T is the educational, inspirational wing of Naked Angels Theater Company. In 2010, when her daughters were in public school, founding member and Artistic Director, Jean Marie McKee, noticed that public schools were no longer offering creative writing classes. She and Naked Angels set out to remedy this by creating the 3T Program.
Now in its 13th year, 3T goes all over NYC, bringing free creative arts workshops to public schools, District 79 alternative schools, and youth in foster care. 3T is a place where students can be as creative as they want to be, and have an outlet to tell their own stories in an encouraging and fun atmosphere. At 3T, we believe that everyone should have the ability to tell their own story, which has the power to transform us and expand our relationship with ourselves, and the world.
3T Workshops featured on NYC's own television channel PIX11!
Follow us on Instagram: @nakedangelsnyc
What happens at a 3T Writing Workshop?
Our core workshop in the 3T Program is our Writing Workshop.
In a typical 3T Workshop, students see their written work brought to life by a diverse team of professional actors. After icebreakers and community building theater games, our team of 2-4 Teaching Artists engage the students in fun writing exercises where they are encouraged to write a scene, story, or poem. When students hear their work performed out loud, it is an empowering experience that leaves everyone transformed.
A 3T Writing Workshop is typically 90 minutes, but we can provide alternative time frames to accommodate various schools and residences alike! Our maximum capacity is 20 students per workshop, but smaller groups of 8-10 students are preferable so each student receives individualized attention. We are flexible and we make it work!
Our only requirement is a space where everyone can move around in. We will provide the rest: pencils, paper, etc.
Since its inception, 3T has traveled to public schools throughout NYC’s five boroughs, working with students in grades K-12. We also can accommodate multi-language learners, as some of our TAs speak various languages. Our TAs also have experience working with students with various needs and learning disabilities, providing alternative ways of storytelling, such as drawing and spoken word.
3T Creative Workshops
Our work with students in foster care and alternative District 79 schools is an essential part of 3T’s mission to provide an outlet for creativity and community, regardless of conditions or circumstance. 3T regularly frequents group homes, residential treatment centers, and halfway houses treating youth who are aging out of the child welfare system. We provide a range of Creative Workshops for this older cohort of students, including workshops in acting, voice-over, poetry, and improvisation. Let us know what creative practice your students are curious or passionate about and we’ll bring in an expert!
“Thank you, this was really great. I was in a really bad mood and I didn’t want to come, but I feel so much better now.”
— Anthony, student at Outreach House after a 3TWW workshop, June 23rd, 2023
Thank you to Culture for One, our wonderful partner in bringing the arts to children in foster care.